Collaboration Tools

No matter the question, comment, suggestion, concern, or compliment, it’s good to have a team! Reassign Dialogues, bring in new team members, and share internal conversations to make sure the customer’s experience is as simple and seamless as possible.

Reading Your District Dashboard

Overview Knowing what and how your customers think and feel about their experience in your district is the first step in providing exceptional customer service. Your Let’s Talk dashboard is a quick way to monitor and measure how well the district is doing. The dashboard metrics give you the critical data you need to make […]

Campaign Manager: Who, What and Why?

If you’re a System Administrator or Team Owner, you may have noticed an extra icon in the top left-hand corner of your screen. Wondering what this Campaign Manager feature is all about? Read on! What Campaign Manager allows you to schedule and send out announcements, requests, or other messages to your school district community.  With […]

Add an Internal Comment

Internal Comments Internal Comments offer the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues — sharing information and setting expectations while simplifying the Customer’s experience. They also are a helpful tool for documenting follow-up that occurs outside of Let’s Talk! – such as in-person meetings and phone calls. Internal Comments are visible to all team members, but not […]

Assign Dialogue to a Team Member

If you want to assign a team member as the owner of a Dialogue, simply: Click in the Owner field If you are the current owner this will be displayed as “Me”. From the dropdown menu that appears, you will see the names of your team members. Select the name of desired new owner from the […]

Add Team Members to a Dialogue

If you want to bring in someone else from your organization to join the Dialogue and conversation: Option One – Add them under Team Members Under the Team Members section to the left of the Dialogue, click on the Edit Team Members icon to bring up a new window. Type in the name of each colleague […]

Assign Dialogue to Different Team

If your team receives a Dialogue that should really be answered by a different team, you can reassign the Dialogue to a completely different team by changing the Topic. The owner of that Topic will receive an alert notifying them of the reassignment. The Customer will not receive any notification if a Dialogue is assigned […]

Share a Dialogue

To share a Dialogue with someone who is not a Let’s Talk! User: Click on the three dots icon in the top right-hand corner of the Dialogue screen, just below the Dialogue number. Select Forward, and a pop-up window will appear Enter the relevant email address(es). Multiple addresses should be separated by commas. Enter a message letting […]