Here are key terms and roles to know in Let’s Talk:

Key Terms

  • Account – The subscription agreement between an association, district, or school with K12 Insight for a limited-access license to Let’s Talk!.

  • Customer – Member of your community. Customers may be parents, students, staff, or community members.

  • Dialogue – A Dialogue is a message (question, comment, compliment, suggestion, or concern) sent from a Customer to a Let’s Talk! account. Messages found outside of Let’s Talk! (Tweets, Facebook and Instagram posts) can also be converted into Dialogues.
  • Topic – Subject of the Customer’s feedback. Topics can be trending matters, departments, schools, or even individuals.

  • User – A User is a district employee with a Let’s Talk! login. Users have different kinds of accounts that allow them to use the Let’s Talk! system in different ways.

User Types

  • System Administrator – Responsible for customizing all settings; able to see all Dialogues and Dashboard reports.

  • Global User – Cannot customize account settings; able to see all Dialogues and Dashboard reports.

  • Team Owner – Content area expert. Responsible for ensuring follow-up on all Dialogues received in his/her Interest Area; able to see Dialogues and Dashboard reports only for his/her team(s).
  • Team Member – Content area expert. Available resource to help follow up on Dialogues received in his/her Interest Area; able to see Dialogues and Dashboard reports only for his/her team(s).

  • Recorder – Responsible for entering new content into Let’s Talk! but not for responding; able to see only Dialogues/reports relevant to the content he/she entered.