If multiple languages are used in your community and in your normal district communications, you will want your Let’s Talk account to reflect this diversity. Make it easy for everyone in your community to ask questions and share feedback with you by activating multiple languages.  The Let’s Talk translation feature combines the power of human translators with auto-translation to help you provide exceptional experiences for all stakeholders.

Supported Languages

Out of the box, Let’s Talk supports the following languages: 

Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), French, Hindi, Japanese, Khmer, Polish, Russian, Somali*, Spanish, Ukrainian, Urdu, and Vietnamese.

*Auto-translation is not supported by Bing Translate.

Additional Languages

If another language is important in your community, we have some additional options:

For languages supported by Bing Translate:

If the language you wish to enable is supported by Bing (see languages with a checkmark in the “Supported by Bing” column), we can turn it on in your account. You will need to provide translations for the standard text items in Let’s Talk.

You can take advantage of translations provided by other organizations in the following languages, or provide your own:
Burmese, Filipino, Haitian Creole, Hmong Daw, Nepali, Pashto, Portuguese, and Swahili

For languages not supported by Bing:

Similarly, we are happy to enable these languages in your account. We’ll ask that you provide translations for the standard text items in Let’s Talk – however, please note that you will not be able to take advantage of auto-translation functions.

You can take advantage of translations provided by other organizations in the following languages, or provide your own:
Amharic, Dari, Kinyarwanda, Punjabi, and Tagalog

To add additional languages, please contact your Client Success Manager, or reach out to Support via the “Need Help?” button to get connected with the right team member to assist you.

Define a Dedicated Translator

To add a language, you will first need to add a Translator. These translators will have two roles: Set-up and Dialogue Support.

Set-up: They will translate standard Categories and Topics, as well as non-standard form messages in Let’s Talk.

Dialogue Support: When a Dialogue is received in the translator’s designated language(s), they will be notified via email and are added to the Dialogue to improve or refine the automatic translation of the Customer’s feedback.

Add a Translator

  1. Go to Settings, then select Languages under the Account Setup section of the left panel.
  2. Select the desired language from the drop-down menu in the Language column.
  3. From the Translator column, select an existing User who will serve as the Translator for all Dialogues received in this language.
  4. Repeat these steps to activate additional languages or to assign additional Users as Translators for the previously selected language.
  5. Save your changes by selecting the Save button in the top right-hand corner of the page.

Remove a Translator

  1. Go to Settings, then select Languages under the Account Setup section of the left panel.
  2. Click the X to the right of any Translator to remove them.
  3. Save your changes by selecting the Save button in the top right-hand corner of the page.

Translate Content

Now that you’ve added the languages and assigned translators, you should begin the process of translating the various messages that the Customers will read. These include the Landing Page welcome message, the categories and topics, any form of introduction messages, and alerts.

Content translations can be added by System Administrators or by Translators.

Translate Categories and Topics

  1. Go to Settings, then select Topics Manager under the Account Setup section of the left panel.
  2. Select Translate at the top of the screen.
  3. Choose the “Topics” or “Introductions” tab.



  1. For Topics: Choose the Language in which you want to translate from the “Select Language” drop-down menu on the top bar.
    1. All  Categories and Topics within the account are shown on the page, along with their translations.
  2. For Introductions: Choose the Language in which you want to translate from the “Select Language” drop-down menu on the right side of the screen.
    1. Use the Search bar on the left or scroll down to find the Topic introduction you would like to translate.
    2. Click “Copy translation to the topic(s)” located in the bottom right corner to copy the same translated Introduction to multiple Topics 
  3. You can save it as a Draft or Publish it in the bottom left corner of the page.


Translate Landing Page Content

  1. From the Settings panel, select Landing Page/Tab Editor.
  2. Select the Translate tab at the top.
  3. Select a Landing Page from the drop-down menu then select the language in which you are translating.
  4. Here you can translate All Messages, including Custom Buttons & Sections and the Advanced Landing Page (see image below). 
  5. Click “Copy translation to another Landing page” located below the search bar to copy the same translated form messages to multiple landing pages/Topics
  6. Save your changes by selecting the Save button in the bottom right-hand corner of the text box.
  7. Select the Preview Live Page button to see your changes as you go.

Translate Form Messages

  1. From the Settings panel, select Forms (listed under Account Setup).
  2. Select Translate at the top of the screen.
  3. Select the form from the drop-down menu.
  4. Choose the Language in which you want to translate from the “Select Language” drop-down menu.
  5. Review the translations and save them as a draft or Publish them below.

Translate Success Messages

  1. From the Settings panel, select Success Messages (listed under Account Setup).
  2. Select Translation at the top of the screen. Here you can translate confirmation and thank you messages.
  3. Select the Message Title drop-down menu to choose your message to translate.
  4. If you do not see a message within the English text box for the message you selected, you will need to create this message first within the Topics Manager.
    1. Create an Introduction Message that shows up at the top of a Topic page by typing in the translated text. Click “Copy translation to another Topic” to select which other Topics you want to apply this to.
  5. If you do see a message within the English text box, select the translated language from the Select Language drop-down menu. Use the Bind Auto-Translate option if the language is not translated.
  6. Save as a draft or publish down below.

NOTE: If you use variables in your messages, Do NOT translate the variable text located between the brackets.