Clear communication and great consistent service is the key to keeping your district happy, but there are some questions that really shouldn’t require you to spend 5 minutes typing out, replying back to, and managing an entire dialogue (or email!) each time.

Introducing the Let’s Talk Assistant

The Let’s Talk Assistant is a chatbot powered by generative AI which can easily be setup, placed on a district website, and have it be the 24-hour front line staff member always available to answer common questions. How does it work? Test it yourself on the Let’s Talk Assistant that lives on our demo site: MCSD!

On the website

The Let’s Talk Assistant is embedded as a tab on your district website. It houses both the Assistant as well as the tab that sends questions directly into Let’s Talk. If you are a System Admin, and your district already has the Let’s Talk tab embedded, then adding the Assistant is simply enabling it within the Landing Page Dashboard, and you’re done!

If you don’t already have the Let’s Talk Tab on your website, you can go to Settings > Landing Page Dashboard > Enable Let’s Talk Assistant, and then toggle to Share to grab the embed code to send to your webmaster. They will know how to use the code to get it up on your website!


Let’s Talk Assistant settings live under Settings > Let’s Talk Assistant.

Give your Assistant a name! By default, it’s called the Let’s Talk Assistant, but we want your district to be able to give this assistant some personality!

Change up the greetings. In addition to giving the Assistant a name, you can also change how you want the Assistant to greet the customers! Under default script, you can the default greetings for:

  • Greeting: The opening line! How the Assistant should say hello.
  • Closing Message: The farewell. How the Assistant should end the chat.
  • Urgent Contact: How the Assistant can direct customers to contact the district directly.
  • Error Message: The Assistant’s way of saying they can’t understand the question that is being asked.

Resource Center and FAQs

Select Resource Center in Settings to manage the content you want to make available for the Let’s Talk Assistant and other generative AI features.

Resource Types:

Users can create the following resource types:

  • Uploaded Documents: Documents uploaded by users.
  • Webpages: Scanned webpages for reference.
  • Articles: Informative pieces of content.
  • FAQs: Frequently asked questions.

All resource types can be utilized by Generative AI features to enhance learning experiences. Moreover, all uploaded documents and scanned webpages are readily accessible in the resource center, ensuring easy retrieval and utilization.

Document Upload

Effortlessly upload multiple documents at once. Upon successful upload, users can seamlessly edit document fields including name, topic, tags, and manager. Uploaded documents display essential information such as the document title, file name, and article manager, making tracking and management easy. Users can also edit uploaded documents and replace them with new ones as needed.

Webpage Scan

Users may scan multiple webpages simultaneously, enabling efficient information gathering. After scanning, users can edit document fields similar to document upload, including name, topic, tags, and manager. Scanned webpages showcase vital details such as the document title, URL, and article manager, ensuring clarity and accessibility. Users can edit scanned webpages and replace them by rescanning the URL, offering flexibility and accuracy in resource management.

Article Creation

Create articles within our application to enhance collaboration and knowledge sharing. These articles, once created, can be utilized by the Let’s Talk Assistant in responding to inquiries from customers. Read more about Article Creation and Resource Management here.


Toggle to FAQs to manage your question and answer pairs which inform the responses the Let’s Talk Assistant provides to customers.

Sections: You can create new sections to help organize the different FAQs entered into the system. You can turn each category on/off as needed.

FAQ: Use the + Add New FAQ button to add FAQs to sections.

Each FAQ requires a question and an answer, also known as an FAQ pair. With each question, you can add additional alternative phrases, which are various ways you anticipate customers may ask a question. Alternative questions make it easier for the Let’s Talk Assistant to provide answers.

Embed Specific FAQ Sections: You can embed a specific section of FAQs with an Assistant by clicking on the Share FAQs button.

Chat or Dialogue?

Whenever a customer uses the Let’s Talk Assistant, each conversation is logged as a Dialogue within the Let’s Talk System. Depending on the Customer’s interaction, the system will bring it in as either closed dialogues, letting you know the inquiry is resolved, or as open, indicating the customer could use some more help.

  • If the customer is happy with the Assistant’s response and rates it helpful, or if they leave the chat session completely, the Dialogue will come in as closed.
  • If the customer is unhappy with the Assistant’s response and rates it unhelpful, or decides to proactively turn their question into a Dialogue, it will come in as open. 

You will know the Dialogue came through the Assistant with the entry point denoted as “Let’s Talk Assistant.”

Request Transcript

After customers provide feedback, they are prompted to ask another question, close the chat, or request a transcript. Those who request a transcript are prompted to enter their email address and cannot resume chatting until a valid email address is provided.

It’s easier than ever to deliver instant and accurate answers with generative AI-powered Let’s Talk Assistant. If you don’t have Let’s Talk Assistant live on your website and want to begin saving time for your team by offering AI-powered customer service, reach out to your Client Success Manager to activate the chatbot for your account.