How Do I...

Providing good customer service is the most important goal to keep in mind. This means making sure each message receives a response from the right person. Simple enough, right? Absolutely. Beyond the basics, the Let’s Talk! platform offers opportunities to collaborate with other district colleagues, to redirect messages to those best suited to respond, and to review metrics on many aspects of these conversations. Pick your topic and learn more about what Let’s Talk! can do for you.

How to Use Agent Status Report in Call Center

System Admins and Global Users can use the Agent Status Report to spot patterns in agent call availability and call durations. Access the Agent Status Report   1. Open the Dashboard by selecting the bar graph icon in the upper left corner. 2. Select Telephone Report. 3. Select Agents Available on the right side of […]

How to Import Categories and Topics

You can easily and efficiently import Topics and Categories using the new template available in the Topics Manager. From the Topics Manager page, click on the Import Topics button under the Search bar. You will see a pop-out window where you can download the template and upload the file once the template has been filled […]

How to Use Let’s Talk Assistant Completeness Report

The generative AI-powered Let’s Talk Assistant is powered by the content uploaded to your district’s Resource Center. To help you ensure your district has a comprehensive chatbot to provide your customers with accurate answers, we’ve introduced the Let’s Talk Assistant Completeness Report, which helps you understand the content gaps you may have in your chatbot’s […]

AI Themes for Dialogues

We’re excited to introduce “AI Themes for Dialogues” in Let’s Talk. This feature automatically classifies each dialogue into preset themes, helping you quickly understand the content of each dialogue. Unlike tags, AI Themes for Dialogues are standardized across all Let’s Talk accounts. You can find the Dialogue Theme panel on the right side of the dialogue […]

How to Use Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Menus for Let’s Talk

Let’s Talk’s Call Center feature allows districts to use the platform as their comprehensive customer service solution and call center — allowing you to take incoming calls, make outgoing calls, and manage the call and phone agent queues.  The Call Center can be managed virtually, improve customer experience, increase first-call resolution, and serve as a […]

Resource Management: Streamlining Your Content

Welcome to the Let’s Talk Resource Center, where efficiency meets organization! In this article, we’ll explore what the Resource Center is and how you can effectively utilize it to manage various types of resources to enhance the interactions with your customers. What is the Resource Center? With the release of the generative AI-powered Let’s Talk […]

Basic Telephony: How to Set Up Phone Numbers in Let’s Talk

Skip to: Phone Number Settings Queue Settings Greetings Settings Texting Settings   Welcome to the Let’s Talk’s telephony features, where you can transform your district’s communication experience. These features empower you to use the platform for phone lines and texting, efficiently managing incoming and outgoing calls, agent queues, and more. Below is a guide to […]

How to Create Custom Topics

Do you need to create a Custom Topic for your Landing Page? Now System Admins can do so from the Landing Page/Tab Editor within Settings.  After selecting a Landing Page where the Custom Topic will live, click on the “Add Custom Button” option.  You will see the following custom options: Add a New Topic: Create […]

Customer History

Access all conversations from a customer Sometimes customers might refer to previous requests, questions, or interactions they’ve had with your district when they submit a dialogue, and in some cases, being able to see that history can better help you understand and serve their needs.  Use the Customer History feature to quickly see some key […]

Merge Dialogues

Combine multiple dialogues into one dialogue When someone in your community sends in multiple dialogues regarding the same issue, perhaps even across multiple Topics, rather than closing them out one at a time with the same response, combine them into one dialogue and proceed from that!  Here’s how –  In your inbox, select all the […]

Split Dialogues

Separate a single dialogue into two dialogues When someone in your community submits a dialogue that contains multiple questions or requires the work from multiple departments, rather than passing it back and forth between Topics or Owners, you can split the dialogue into multiple dialogues!  Here’s how –  Open the dialogue that you want to […]

Dashboard: Benchmark

When it comes to data, it’s always nice to be able to reference it against other similar cases. Benchmarking data is important because it allows you to see where you excel and where you have room for improvement. This is exactly what the Benchmark Dashboard does.  The Benchmark Dashboard In your Overview Dashboard, flip the […]