How to Promote Let’s Talk in Your Community

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Get ready for launch!

Your community can’t use Let’s Talk! if you don’t tell them about it! Drive the conversation about Let’s Talk! ahead of its launch for a strong start and continue to build on this success with ongoing promotions.

What does your community need to know about Let’s Talk!? How should you tell them? When should you use different types of communication pieces? This article provides you with answers to these questions and more to help make Let’s Talk! a fully utilized resource in your community from day one.

Goals of Let’s Talk! communications:

  • Introduce Let’s Talk! to students, parents and guardians, employees, and community members and invite them to share their thoughts or questions
  • Share why the district is using Let’s Talk!, including why community members should use it
  • Explain how to access Let’s Talk! and what community members can expect after submitting a dialogue

The quick list:

Consider the following communication pieces and action items to promote Let’s Talk! in your community:

  • Print and post posters and/or flyers in your schools and other locations in the community
  • Send an email to principals with Let’s Talk! FAQs attached
  • Post a website news item on your district website
  • Share a news brief with local news publications
  • Provide schools with newsletter items to include in their publications
  • Roll out social media posts on all district social media channels and encourage schools to do the same
  • Create postcards or business cards to share with families and others at public meetings and events
  • Include a Let’s Talk! link or tagline in email signatures
  • Add a link to Let’s Talk! at the bottom of news stories, newsletter items, and staff memos
  • Send an email to staff members with Let’s Talk! FAQs attached
See some example Let's Talk! communications pieces here.

See it in action: A 30-day Let’s Talk! promotion plan

Week 1

  • Print Let’s Talk! design pieces, including posters, flyers, postcards, and business cards
  • Send an email to principals to let them know about the district’s use of Let’s Talk!, why it’s being used, and when it will be implemented; ask for their help promoting the solution in their community; and include the Let’s Talk! FAQs and a newsletter item they can share in their relevant publications

Week 2

  • Send local news publications a news brief that introduces Let’s Talk! and explains how to access it

Week 3

  • Share Let’s Talk! teaser posts on social media channels (e.g., Coming soon: A new way to reach district leaders when your schedule allows! Check back here on Monday to learn more.)
  • Send an email to staff members letting them know about Let’s Talk!, why the district will be using it, and what they can expect from it; attach Let’s Talk! FAQs
  • Publish newsletter items in relevant district and school publications

Launch Week

  • Share social media posts on all social media channels to welcome your community to Let’s Talk!
  • Post a website news item on your district website to provide more information and a Let’s Talk! link
  • Place posters and flyers at all schools and district facilities


  • Roll out social media posts on all social media channels to remind the community about Let’s Talk! and explain how to access it
  • Hand out Let’s Talk! postcards and business cards at meetings and other events to explain Let’s Talk! and how to access it
  • Use Campaign Manager to send out campaigns that align with district initiatives and the academic calendar
  • Add a Let’s Talk! link and tagline to email signatures and website news items when applicable

Want more resources? Explore our Let's Talk! Communications Kit. Have questions about Let’s Talk!? Want access to K12 Insight’s suite of customizable Let’s Talk! templates? Contact your Strategic Account Executive today to set up your district for a successful launch.

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