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Let's Talk Certification

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Master Let’s Talk.
Elevate Customer Service.
Improve Experiences Districtwide.

Supercharge your skills with K12 Insight’s certification program for Let’s Talk users and system administrators.

Become a Let’s Talk expert with Let’s Talk Certification! Unlock skills to navigate Let’s Talk seamlessly, manage dialogues with ease, and automate workflows — all while delivering superior customer service with every interaction.

Level 1 Certification 

Designed for all Let’s Talk users, become a master of efficiency and learn how to deliver customer service with confidence by upleveling your Let’s Talk skills. Elevate your professional journey and master data-driven decision-making using the Let's Talk dashboard to pinpoint needs, trends, and issues in your school community. 

To earn Level 1 Certification, you’ll complete: 

  • New User Training
  • Tips and Tricks User Training

You’ll earn Level 1 Certification upon completion of both trainings and a passing score of a short assessment.

Register "New User" and "Tips and Tricks User" training today. 

Already competed training and would like to take the assessment? Request your Level 1 Certification assessment. 


System Administrator Certification  

Lead the way in your district’s strategic Let’s Talk implementation and workflow automation with System Administrator certification.

Learn advanced system management techniques and troubleshooting skills to quickly address any issues, guaranteeing uninterrupted service for your school district. You’ll be able to spot opportunities for workflow automation within your district and learn about advanced features such as Integrations, Call Center, Texting and Let’s Talk Assistant to enhance your Let’s Talk implementation. You’ll also gain expertise in Let’s Talk customization features and discover how to tailor the platform to meet your district’s needs. 

You’ll earn System Administrator certification upon completion of training and a passing score of a short assessment.

Register System Administrator training today. 

Already completed training and would like to take the assessment? Request your System Administrator Certification assessment.

What our community says about Let's Talk:

“Before Let’s Talk, we had multiple systems and siloed communications, but now everything is in one place. We can communicate on the backend seamlessly!” – Melissa Musselwhite, Director, Student Support Programs and Services, Pasco County Schools

“Now that I have a much deeper understanding of Let’s Talk, it's a great [system]-wide platform and it really does help track our metrics so we can have an overall picture of what's happening with our requests. I think that overall we get a great ROI when our staff know how to use Let's Talk.” – Let's Talk user, Tulane University

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