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How to Set Up Translation Workflows

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Enabling multiple languages in Let's Talk! allows you to capture a broader range of conversations from your community. System Administrators can learn more about enabling languages in Supporting Non-English Feedback.

Multi-lingual Access for Customers

If multiple languages are enabled, Customers can select their language of choice from a dropdown menu in the top right-hand corner of either the landing page or the Dialogue form.

Customers will see both a translated form and translated messages.

Translation Workflow

  • Once a Dialogue is submitted in a translated languages, two alerts are sent (based on Users' notification preferences).
    • The Owner of the relevant Interest Area is identified, as usual.
    • The Translator of the relevant language is notified.
  • Within the Dialogue page, both the original message and an automatic translation will be displayed.
  • The Translator is offered the opportunity to approve the auto-translation or to suggest an improved translation. This approval/revision will be reflected in the timeline.
  • The Owner may choose to wait for the Translator to approve/revise the translated content. When ready, he or she can follow up as with any other Dialogue: first determining the best User to respond to the Customer's message.
  • When it's time to respond to the Customer, the relevant User has two options.
    • He/she can write a response in English, then click the auto-translate icon before sending.
    • He/she can draft a response in English in the Internal Comments section and ask the Translator to help craft the reply, to be returned in Internal Comments. No auto-translation this time: just sending.

Note: If a Dialogue is submitted to one form in a different language, it will not automatically be translated. (For example, if a question is submitted in Ukrainian on an English form, the question will not be auto-translated.)

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