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Total posts: 8

Ombudsman and Stakeholder Complaints

Richland School District Two launched a Let’s Talk topic for stakeholders to submit dialogues related to complaints or frustrations within the district. The dialogues are sent directly to the district’s appointed Ombudsman. To access the topic, users begin on the

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Indianapolis Public Schools Call Center

Indianapolis Public Schools launched a Let’s Talk form to support their call center. The call center has a special call recorder form that brings in information from PowerSchool and can be routed to the appropriate topic (pictured above). The call

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How to Use Let's Talk for Deep Listening

As the conversation around social injustice and systemic inequity intensifies, school communities will need to share where they stand on these very important issues, especially when it comes to what changes can be made to make our local and national

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How to View Customer History

Access all conversations from a customer Sometimes customers might refer to previous requests, questions, or interactions they’ve had with your district when they submit a dialogue, and in some cases, being able to see that history can better help you

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Let's Talk Customer App

Could filling out a Dialogue form be any easier? Absolutely. Save time and improve accessibility for your community members by encouraging use of the customer app. Let's Talk! User App   While you may already be familiar with the user

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Best Practices for Customer Service

Make sure your customers receive the best possible service by running down a few quick questions: Who is best-qualified to respond? Remember that you might not be the right person to respond to a particular question. Re-assign it to a

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