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Benchmark Dashboard

When it comes to data, it’s always nice to be able to reference it against other similar cases. Benchmarking data is important because it allows you to see where you excel and where you have room for improvement. This is

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Dashboard Comparison Reports

The Comparison report is only available for System Administrators and Global Users. This report gives you a holistic view of the District’s state so you can visually see the progress of users, interest areas, and categories and quickly identify areas

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Understanding Your Let's Talk Dashboard

Overview Knowing what and how your customers think and feel about their experience in your district is the first step in providing exceptional customer service. Your Let’s Talk! dashboard is a quick way to monitor and measure how well the

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Customer Feedback Form: How It Works

Customer Feedback Forms and collecting Cx Scores Gathering feedback is a big part of Let’s Talk!, and hearing from customers regarding the service they received is an important piece. How it Works When a User clicks Send/Post as Closed, a

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