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Total posts: 94

New in Let's Talk: June 2021

When it comes to customer service management -- we’ve got you covered. The 16.0 release offers improved customer access and flexible tools to help you manage your district’s concerns with ease. Translation Support for All Dialogues Auto-translation is now available

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How to Create Workflows in Let's Talk

Make Let’s Talk! work for you like never before. System Administrators can create automatic workflows that will help build efficiency, improve performance outcomes, and enhance data.  A workflow is a set of actions that are executed when specified conditions are

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Dialogue Tags

Similar to labels in email platforms, Let’s Talk! gives users the ability to add Tags to their Dialogues. Tagging Dialogues will help you to categorize messages and identify trends across Topics, Customer groups, and time periods.  How do I add

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New in Let's Talk: January 2021

Our gift to you - Let’s Talk! 15.0! After a challenging 2020, we wanted to build a few tools to make your work in 2021 easier. Improve efficiency through a better inbox and automatic workflows to help streamline repetitive tasks.

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How to View Customer History

Access all conversations from a customer Sometimes customers might refer to previous requests, questions, or interactions they’ve had with your district when they submit a dialogue, and in some cases, being able to see that history can better help you

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How to Split Dialogues

Separate a single dialogue into two dialogues When someone in your community submits a dialogue that contains multiple questions or requires the work from multiple departments, rather than passing it back and forth between Topics or Owners, you can split

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