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Total posts: 9

Resource Management: Streamlining Your Content

Welcome to the Let's Talk Resource Center, where efficiency meets organization! In this article, we'll explore what the Resource Center is and how you can effectively utilize it to manage various types of resources to enhance the interactions with your

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Palo Alto USD Knowledge Base

Palo Alto Unified School District is in the process of creating their Knowledge Base with helpful content to help external stakeholders and internal staff members throughout the year. Learn more about the Knowledge Base here. District Examples

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Indianapolis Public Schools Knowledge Base

Under Indianapolis Public Schools' Let's Talk!, both external stakeholders and internal staff members have access to to a 'Cheat Sheets' button that redirects the user to the district's Knowledge Base. The Knowledge Base feature helps with organizing different topics of

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Let’s Talk Knowledge Base: Best Practices

In this article we will cover guidelines for building a successful Knowledge Base!  For an overview of what Let’s Talk! Knowledge Base can do, click here. Structuring Your Knowledge Base Organization is key when it comes to making your knowledge

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How Do I Embed My Knowledge Base?

Create more opportunities for self-service throughout your website by embedding specific articles, sections of articles, or your entire knowledge base! Note: Embed codes are dynamic: all changes you make to Knowledge Base within your Let’s Talk! account will automatically be

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New in Let's Talk: October 2021

The new Let’s Talk! Knowledge Base feature makes it easy for districts to create and share articles to keep everyone in the know. Goodbye repeat questions - Hello Knowledge Base - and time back in your day! What is Let’s

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Assigning Knowledge Base Article Managers

System Administrators, Category Owners, and Team Owners can assign Article Managers to ensure that Knowledge Base content is kept up-to-date. Note: Each article can have an unlimited number of Article Managers. Go to Settings, then select Knowledge Base under the

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How To Create Knowledge Base Articles

Let’s Talk! Knowledge Base makes it easy for customers to find information, without having to ask your team for help. Only System Administrators, Category Owners, and Team Owners can access the Knowledge Base feature by default, but other users can

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