Let’s Talk Knowledge Base: Best Practices

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In this article we will cover guidelines for building a successful Knowledge Base! 

For an overview of what Let’s Talk! Knowledge Base can do, click here.

Structuring Your Knowledge Base

Organization is key when it comes to making your knowledge base useful. 

Let’s Talk! Knowledge Base uses Sections to categorize articles belonging to the same topic. Give some thought to how you will structure the sections of your knowledge base.

Think: What section names will make the most sense to customers? Which articles should go where? 

Some common sections include: Human Resources, Technology, Registration, Transportation, and Back-To-School,

Creating Article Content

The next step is ensuring great content. Knowledge base will work as a self-serve library for customers to use whenever they have district-level questions, making accuracy and readability especially important.

Here are few points to keep in mind while creating article content:

  • Have clear titles oriented towards customer use. Ask yourself “Would a customer click on this article to get this information?”
  • Make content easily skimmable by using headings and bullets to highlight important points
  • Mix up your use of videos, images, headings, and text. Adding visual elements to your articles not only makes the content more engaging, it also conveys complex messages more effectively
  • Use Topics to route dialogues sent from the article’s page to the correct team 

Check out How To Create Knowledge Base Articles for more details

Making Knowledge Base Accessible

Enabling self-service means putting relevant content exactly where customers expect to find it. Be sure to embed articles, sections of articles, or the entire Knowledge Base wherever applicable on your district website.

For example, embedding the Transportation section of your Knowledge Base on the Transportation page of your website gives customers a clear path to self-service

Connect articles and chatbot FAQs to give your customers another chance to visit your Knowledge Base

Keeping Information Up-To-Date

Article Managers are a valuable asset when it comes to making sure article content is reliable at any point in time. Assign team members to regularly monitor, and identify the need for updates based on the changes in your district.

Leveraging Article Metrics

Remember that your knowledge base is not static - it can be adapted at any time! Leverage article metrics such as views and helpfulness to inform the changes you make.

  • A low view count on an article indicates that it is not receiving much traffic
    • Consider embedding this content in more locations throughout your website
  • A low helpfulness rating can indicate that the content is not useful  is for visiting customers
    • Consider changing the title to better reflect the content or include more relevant information

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