How to Record a Dialogue

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Action! You've got something to enter (phone call, observation, etc.)!

Log in (from a bookmark or from, clicking on Login in the top right), entering your district email address as your username.

Click the green pencil icon in the top right corner of your screen.

Complete the Create a Dialogue form:

Origin - Where did this come from?

Contact information - Who is the customer, and does he or she want a response?

If the person wants a response, enter name and email and/or phone.

If left blank, this Dialogue is submitted anonymously.

Note: If a name is entered, a phone number or email address is required.

Received from - What type of customer is this?

Assign to - What interest area (team) should respond?

You may identify a specific user to receive this Dialogue. If no user is specified, the team owner will receive it.

Type - What type of Dialogue is this?

Content - Subject (What is it about?) and Description (What is the actual question/comment/etc.?)


Attachment - Any relevant documents

Add Internal Comment - Additional notes to share with internal team members, but not customer. You can also tag an internal team member by typing the “@” followed by their name or tag a user group by typing the “#” followed by the name of the group

Add me to Dialogue - Allows you to monitor follow-up

Send Customer Thank You email - If address provided

Tags - What is the Dialogue about specifically? Add those that apply.

Submit! You will see an onscreen message confirming that your Dialogue has been successfully recorded.

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