Managing Multiple Phone Lines

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Let’s Talk! allows you to support multiple phone lines, each with their set of greetings, voicemail messages, and auto-text replies. 

System Administrators can customize these settings in Settings > Phone and Text > Topic Phone Number Settings.

Adding Phone Lines

  • Click on “Request Phone Number” at the top of the Topic Phone Number Settings page. 
  • A pop-up window will appear. Select the relevant Topic from the drop-down menu.
  • The requested phone number will be displayed as pending until the phone number is successfully added to the account in about 2 business days.

Phone Number Settings

To begin creating custom settings for each phone line:

  • Select an active phone number by clicking its checkbox
  • Click on “Edit Number Settings” at the top of the Topic Phone Number Settings page 
  • A panel will appear on the right containing Voice Call Settings

Voice Calling and Call Recording

  • To enable/disable Voice Calling, toggle ON/OFF
  • To enable/disable Call Recording, toggle ON/OFF

Incoming and Voicemail Messages

  • To upload a new Incoming Message or Voicemail Message, click on the “Audio File” button located under each heading and select the desired file
  • Click Save at the bottom of the panel to confirm your changes

Text Messages and Auto-Replies

  • To enable/disable Text Messaging, toggle ON/OFF
  • To enable/disable Auto-Reply Text Messages, toggle ON/OFF
  • In the text box under the Auto Reply Text heading, type the message you would like your customers to receive after contacting you.
    • Example: Thank you for contacting us! Your message has been received by the team and you can expect a response shortly.
  • In the text box under CX Score Text Message, type the message you would like to send to customers when asking for CX score feedback.
    • Example: How did we do? – We hope we were able to address your questions or concerns. Please take a moment to give your interaction a Cx score.
  • Click save at the bottom of the panel to confirm your changes

Changing Phone Number Topic

You may wish to repurpose a phone line for multiple topics throughout the school year. To change the Topic where phone calls and text messages are directed to, for an existing phone line:  

  • Select an active phone number by clicking its checkbox
  • Click on “Change Topic” at the top of the Topic Phone Number Settings page 
  • A pop up will appear prompting you to select the new Topic
  • Select “Submit” to confirm the change.

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