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Total posts: 41

September 2023 - New in Let's Talk

This back-to-school season brings exciting Let’s Talk updates for an enhanced user and system administrator experience. In September, we unveiled Form Builder and Email Replies — new features inspired by feedback from our Let’s Talk community.  Email Replies Reply to

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How to Translate Dialogues

The convenience of auto-translation is now available for every dialogue, regardless of entry point (including phone, text message, email, or online form). Simply select the language in dialogue details to instantly translate the message.   Click on any dialogue in

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Dialogue Tags

Similar to labels in email platforms, Let’s Talk! gives users the ability to add Tags to their Dialogues. Tagging Dialogues will help you to categorize messages and identify trends across Topics, Customer groups, and time periods.  How do I add

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How to Merge Dialogues

Combine multiple dialogues into one dialogue When someone in your community sends in multiple dialogues regarding the same issue, perhaps even across multiple Topics, rather than closing them out one at a time with the same response, combine them into

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How to Split Dialogues

Separate a single dialogue into two dialogues When someone in your community submits a dialogue that contains multiple questions or requires the work from multiple departments, rather than passing it back and forth between Topics or Owners, you can split

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Dialogue Form

Need to explain to your community how Let's Talk! works? Use this video! Looking for a Spanish version of the video above? Click here!  Depending on how you've set up your Let's Talk! page, customers may be selecting their Topic of

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New in Let's Talk: July 2017

Let's Talk! v9.0 went live on Friday, July 7, 2017 New Features: Phone to Dialogue This feature will equip districts/schools with a means to have a track record of their phone calls and interactions with their customers. Districts and schools

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