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Answer-Based Workflows in Forms

Do you want to assign a dialogue to a specific Topic based on an answer to a question within a form? Good news- now you can! How to create an Answer-based Workflow After selecting your form, click the pencil icon

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September 2023 - New in Let's Talk

This back-to-school season brings exciting Let’s Talk updates for an enhanced user and system administrator experience. In September, we unveiled Form Builder and Email Replies — new features inspired by feedback from our Let’s Talk community.  Email Replies Reply to

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Form Builder

Let’s Talk Form Builder is a convenient way to launch a new Let’s Talk form for any department or topic, including bullying, safety, transportation, human resources, and more!  This feature allows you to quickly create new forms so you can

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How to Add an Introductory Message to Forms

Have you ever... answered the same question more than once? wondered why on earth a customer sent that question to your Topic? wished your Topic was, well, prettier than the rest? Take advantage of introductory messages to share pertinent information

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