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January 2024 - New In Let's Talk

We’re thrilled to share two new updates to help you provide an even better experience for your customers. Let’s Talk Assistant: Offering a sleek new look, enhanced design capabilities, and an improved user experience, the latest version of Let's Talk

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Victoria ISD Elementary School Landing Page

Victoria ISD uses Let's Talk! on the landing pages of their schools, such as Aloe Elementary School. This allows for parents and other external stakeholders to easily find important information, including how to report bullying and student safety.  View Aloe

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Setting Up Landing Pages Districtwide

Your main Let's Talk landing page serves as a destination for customers who want to communicate or provide feedback to your district. Usually embedded behind a "Contact Us" call to action, the landing page is broken out into categories and

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District and Superintendent Landing Pages

Scottsdale uses their Let's Talk! form on their district level landing page that combines both district level topics in addition to communication with the superintendent. Having these two sections together allows for important subjects to be in one place which

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Transportation Landing Page and Chatbot

Liberty Public Schools launched a Let’s Talk page to support their transportation department. On the page, they embedded their frequently asked questions from their chatbot. To see their page click here. To see their FAQs embedded, click on “FAQs” on

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How to Create Custom Topics

Do you need to create a Custom Topic for your Landing Page? Now System Admins can do so from the Landing Page/Tab Editor within Settings.  After selecting a Landing Page where the Custom Topic will live, click on the “Add

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Austin ISD Communications Department and Texting

Austin ISD is committed to engaging with its community and communicating (both ways) to ensure students, families, and staff members are receiving equitable experiences. The Communications Department at Austin ISD leverages the Let’s Talk! Platform to make that engagement and

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How to Create Landing Pages

Landing Page Dashboard This section allows System Administrators to create and manage the appearance of Let's Talk access points: Landing Pages, Tabs, and Fabs. Customized landing pages may be created for an entire district, for a specific region or school,

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