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Total posts: 94

New in Let's Talk: October 2021

The new Let’s Talk! Knowledge Base feature makes it easy for districts to create and share articles to keep everyone in the know. Goodbye repeat questions - Hello Knowledge Base - and time back in your day! What is Let’s

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Assigning Knowledge Base Article Managers

System Administrators, Category Owners, and Team Owners can assign Article Managers to ensure that Knowledge Base content is kept up-to-date. Note: Each article can have an unlimited number of Article Managers. Go to Settings, then select Knowledge Base under the

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How To Create Knowledge Base Articles

Let’s Talk! Knowledge Base makes it easy for customers to find information, without having to ask your team for help. Only System Administrators, Category Owners, and Team Owners can access the Knowledge Base feature by default, but other users can

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Support Center

Share your challenges, ideas, and compliments with our Let’s Talk! team!  All users have the ability to submit a feature request, report an issue (including a screenshot), or provide general feedback from within their Let’s Talk! account.  Click on the

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How to Translate Dialogues

The convenience of auto-translation is now available for every dialogue, regardless of entry point (including phone, text message, email, or online form). Simply select the language in dialogue details to instantly translate the message.   Click on any dialogue in

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