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Total posts: 94

New in Let's Talk: May 2020

With the many changes going on in school districts across the nation, the Let’s Talk! Team has been hard at work to bring you enhancements in the platform that will help streamline your daily workflow and make collaboration easier, wherever

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How to Set Private Topics

In the event that a Topic is created for sensitive information (think HR or other internal use cases), you might not want the System Admin to be able to peek into the dialogues of that Topic.  Your district can set

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Benchmark Dashboard

When it comes to data, it’s always nice to be able to reference it against other similar cases. Benchmarking data is important because it allows you to see where you excel and where you have room for improvement. This is

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New in Let's Talk: November 2019

There's been a lot of buzz about Customer Experience (CX) in districts lately after K12 Insight launched the first benchmarking study on the State of CX in Schools this summer.  You know that Let's Talk! collects and calculates the scores based

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How to Text Into Let's Talk

Allow your district community to be able to text their questions, concerns, or comments to a number provided by Let’s Talk!. The system then instantly turns that message into a dialogue.  On the backend, your team can manage and track

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New in Let's Talk: July 2019

This summer, Let’s Talk! is opening its doors to a new (but very familiar) channel of communication. TEXTING! Along with some other enhancements and updates, the summer 2019 release focuses on widening the reach of your district’s community. Check out

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