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Total posts: 94

Let's Talk Customer App

Could filling out a Dialogue form be any easier? Absolutely. Save time and improve accessibility for your community members by encouraging use of the customer app. Let's Talk! User App   While you may already be familiar with the user

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Let's Talk Admin App

Let's Talk! makes it easy to read, review, and respond to customers quickly and conveniently. If you're always near a computer, read no more. If you're occasionally on the go – in meetings, in classrooms, attending community events – it's

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Campaign Manager Overview

If you’re a System Administrator or Team Owner, you may have noticed an extra icon in the top left-hand corner of your screen. Wondering what this Campaign Manager feature is all about? Read on! What Campaign Manager allows you to

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Anonymous Customers and Hidden Customers

When customer information isn’t shown There are two ways a customer can submit a dialogue without sharing their identity with your district Hidden Customers: Customers who provide an email and check the “Hide your contact information from the district” button.

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How to Add an Introductory Message to Forms

Have you ever... answered the same question more than once? wondered why on earth a customer sent that question to your Topic? wished your Topic was, well, prettier than the rest? Take advantage of introductory messages to share pertinent information

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How to Reply to a Customer

If you've determined that you are the best person to respond to this Customer then follow the steps below to reply to the Customer. Click on the blue Reply to Customer link at the bottom right-hand corner of the original message

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