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Total posts: 94

Life of a Dialogue

If you want to view this video with closed-captioning, please click here to watch it directly on Youtube. Make sure you enable the closed-captioning feature on the video! Getting Started

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How to Create Landing Pages

Landing Page Dashboard This section allows System Administrators to create and manage the appearance of Let's Talk access points: Landing Pages, Tabs, and Fabs. Customized landing pages may be created for an entire district, for a specific region or school,

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How to Embed Let's Talk on Your Website

Embedding Let's Talk Access Points on Your Website System Administrators have the option to email, copy, or download the embed codes of your choice. You may choose the embeddable iFrame code for a Landing Page or any of your Topics. 

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How to Set Up Customer Feedback Forms

Collecting customer feedback allows you to learn more about how customers perceive the service you are providing via Let’s Talk!. When a Dialogue is closed, a feedback form may be sent to the Customer to offer the opportunity to provide

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Email to Dialogue

Email to Dialogue Many of us get plenty of email. Unfortunately, email isn’t naturally actionable. It doesn’t help teams define the workflow. Required information is often scattered. Let’s Talk! Dialogues, however, are assigned to owners and given priorities, and internal

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