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Total posts: 41

Life of a Dialogue

If you want to view this video with closed-captioning, please click here to watch it directly on Youtube. Make sure you enable the closed-captioning feature on the video! Getting Started

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How to Set Up Customer Feedback Forms

Collecting customer feedback allows you to learn more about how customers perceive the service you are providing via Let’s Talk!. When a Dialogue is closed, a feedback form may be sent to the Customer to offer the opportunity to provide

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Email to Dialogue

Email to Dialogue Many of us get plenty of email. Unfortunately, email isn’t naturally actionable. It doesn’t help teams define the workflow. Required information is often scattered. Let’s Talk! Dialogues, however, are assigned to owners and given priorities, and internal

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How to Create Response Templates

Creating Response Templates Response Templates are customizable saved messages that Let’s Talk! Users can access when replying to Customers. System Administrators and Topic Owners can create an unlimited number of standard replies, as well as choose who can access each

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How to Manage Emails in Let's Talk

Email Your Let’s Talk! account is capable of capturing both directly delivered and forwarded emails. While all Users will be able to take advantage of forwarding emails, only those you identify as members of the Email Team will have access

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How to Use Tags

Similar to labels in email platforms, Let’s Talk! gives users the ability to add Tags to their Dialogues. Creating Tags help to identify trends across Interest Areas, Customer groups, and time periods.  While System Administrators control the list of Tags

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How to Add an Internal Comment

Internal Comments Internal Comments offer the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues — sharing information and setting expectations while simplifying the Customer’s experience. They also are a helpful tool for documenting follow-up that occurs outside of Let’s Talk! - such as

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