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Total posts: 41

How to Assign a Dialogue to a Team

If your team receives a Dialogue that should really be answered by a different team, you can reassign the Dialogue to a completely different team by changing the Topic. The owner of that Topic will receive an alert notifying them

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How to Forward a Dialogue

To share a Dialogue with someone who is not a Let’s Talk! User: Click on the three dots icon in the top right-hand corner of the Dialogue screen, just below the Dialogue number. Select Forward, and a pop-up window will appear Enter

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Customer Feedback Form: How It Works

Customer Feedback Forms and collecting Cx Scores Gathering feedback is a big part of Let’s Talk!, and hearing from customers regarding the service they received is an important piece. How it Works When a User clicks Send/Post as Closed, a

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How to Record a Dialogue

Action! You've got something to enter (phone call, observation, etc.)! Log in (from a bookmark or from, clicking on Login in the top right), entering your district email address as your username. Click the green pencil icon in the

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How to Manage Dialogues

Alert! You've got a new Dialogue! Click your notification to log in. Review My Dialogues. Anything there is your responsibility. Take action! Click a Dialogue to open and read the Customer's message. Who should answer? You? Reply! Another team member?

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