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Total posts: 41

Anonymous Customers and Hidden Customers

When customer information isn’t shown There are two ways a customer can submit a dialogue without sharing their identity with your district Hidden Customers: Customers who provide an email and check the “Hide your contact information from the district” button.

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How to Reply to a Customer

If you've determined that you are the best person to respond to this Customer then follow the steps below to reply to the Customer. Click on the blue Reply to Customer link at the bottom right-hand corner of the original message

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How to Close a Dialogue

Ensuring that Dialogues are closed in a timely manner helps to keep records accurate and ensure that all Customer feedback is addressed. Dialogues may be closed through the process of replying. Dialogues for which no Reply button is displayed must

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Inbox Overview

If you want to view this video with closed-captioning, please click here to watch it directly on Youtube. Make sure you enable the closed-captioning feature on the video! Dialogue Inbox View Upon login, you will land in the Dialogues Inbox.

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Dialogues Overview

Let's drill down on one specific Dialogue. Open a Dialogue by clicking on it from the Inbox view. Customer Information Dialogue Details Team Members Date Received and Dialogue Age Tags Original Message Attachments Bookmark and Forward Dialogue Action Buttons Timeline

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How to Create a New Dialogue

While many Customers will access Let’s Talk! on your website, there are many other conversations that happen in real life that also demand timely follow-up and attention: phone calls, personal observations, letters, personal visits, and more. Users can easily add

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How to Perform Bulk Actions

Need to tag and close multiple Dialogues at once or send the same reply to several customers? Meet the Bulk Editor! Performing Bulk Replies and Edits From the Inbox view, choose the Dialogues you want to edit by selecting multiple

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How to Download Dialogues

Want to archive data to perform thematic analysis on trending topics? Data helps you to move forward from simply listening to learning and leading. Global Users and Users who belong to a Topic can download an individual Dialogue or many

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